

There are 3 ways to develop:

  1. Change and run tests on local machine:

    • add a new functionality or change any existing
    • change variables.json file in the root folder
    • change related tests of changed functionality
  2. Link this repository with your real project as its dependence:

    • In figma-extractor repository, it's necessary to run pnpm link --global. It creates a link inside the cache folder of pnpm with name: @shakuroinc/figma-extractor
    • Inside your project, you need to run pnpm link --global @shakuroinc/figma-extractor. It should replace your real package @shakuroinc/figma-extractor in node_module to earlier created link as symbol link folder.
    • Inside figma-extractor folder, you need to launch yarn build every time after any changes. It's necessary to create compiled JS files into dist folder for proper work.
    • Inside project folder, you can run pnpm extract to launch your linked figma-extractor.

Remember! You need to launch yarn build after any changes in figma-extractor repository

Note: In this case, you create a just a link between extractor and your project without installing peerDependecies of figma-extractor If you want to install peerDependecies you should use 3 way which is described below

  1. Link this repository with your real project through file protocol:
    • Inside your project, you need replace the line "@shakuroinc/figma-extractor": "{number of your current version}" inside package.json to "@shakuroinc/figma-extractor": "file:{here the absolute path of figma-extractor folder}".
    • This way creates link between your project and figma-extractor and installs all peerDependecies of figma-extractor.
    • Launch pnpm install in the root of your project to create a link
    • Use pnpm extract as usually

Remember! You need to launch yarn build as well when there are any changes in figma-extractor repository